Congcong Zhang

Author:Executive editor:德赢vwin体育平台登录Release time:2023-12-13Browse times:26

Zhang, Congcong

Associate Professor

Master Supervisor

Education and Working Experience

2019/09- present, Associate Professor, Shandong Agricultural University

Ph.D. 2016/09-2019/06 Beijing Normal University

M.S. 2013/09-2016/06 Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University

B.S. 2009/09-2013/06 Liaocheng University

Research Area 

Organometallic chemistry

Green chemistry  

Research Projects

The novel organozinc compound: synthesis and reactivity

The fixation and utilization of CO2


2021/01-2023/12 Terminal zinc phosphinidene compound: synthesis, structure and reactivity, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, 150000, Manager

Published Articles

Congcong Zhang, Guohua Hou, Guofu Zi*, Wanjian Ding*, and Marc D. Walter*. A Base-Free Terminal Actinide Phosphinidene Metallocene: Synthesis, Structure, Reactivity and Computational Studies. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 14511-14525.

Congcong Zhang, Guohua Hou, Guofu Zi*, Wanjian Ding*, and Marc D. Walter*. An Alkali-Metal Halide-Bridged Actinide Phosphinidiide Complex. Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 1571-1590.

Congcong Zhang, Pikun Yang, Enwei Zhou, Xuebin Deng, Guofu Zi*, Marc D. Walter*. Reactivity of a Lewis Base Supported Thorium Terminal Imido Metallocene toward Small Organic Molecules. Organometallics, 2017, 36, 4525-4538.

Congcong Zhang, Guohua Hou, Guofu Zi*, Wanjian Ding*, and Marc D. Walter*. Reactivity of a base-free terminal thorium phosphinidene metallocene toward small organic molecules. Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 2377-2387.

Congcong Zhang, Congcong Zhang, Yongsong Wang, Guohua Hou, Wanjian Ding, Guofu Zi*, and Marc D. Walter*. Experimental and computational studies on a three-membered diphosphido thorium metallaheterocycle [5-1,3-(Me3C)2C5H3]2Th[2-P2(2,4,6-iPr3C6H2)2]. Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 6921-6930.

Contact Information

       p: 18310287226

Room 1111, Liberal Arts Building

No. 61 Daizong Street, Tai’an, Shandong