Chuanjun ​Wang

Author:Executive editor:德赢vwin体育平台登录Release time:2023-12-15Browse times:34

Wang, Chuanjun


Master Supervisor

Education and Working Experience

2019/01-present Professor, Shandong Agricultural University

Postdoc 2015/09-2018/05 Institut Català d'Investigació Química (ICIQ)

Ph.D.2012/07-2015/07 Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIPC-CAS)

M.S.2010/09-2012/07 Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIPC-CAS)

B.S. 2006/09-2010/07 Shandong Agricultural University

Research Area 

Metal nanoparticles synthesis and application in energy related research areas

Metal phosphides for photo-and electrochemical nitrogen conversion to ammonia and hydrogenation reactions

Transition metal complexes with luminescence properties and application in catalysis    

Research Projects

Youth Project of Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province: Research on nitrate/nitrite electrocatalytic Reduction to ammonia by metal phosphides, 2022.01-2024.12, Chair

Shandong Provincial High-level Foreign Experts Project: Research on visible Light driven synthesis of metal phosphide nanomaterials for catalytic nitrogen conversion to ammonia, 2023.10-2026.10  Chinese main person in charge

Shandong University Youth Talent Promotion Project: Green Catalysis and Synthesis, 2019.10-2023.12 Participation

       Honors and Awards 

2022/07 The second prize in “The third "Pfizer Cup" National College Students Chemistry Experiment Innovation Competition (North China)”  First Instructor

2023/05 Theme report of First Prize and Excellent Wall Poster Award in “The 5th National College Students Marine and Chemical Science and Technology Practice Forum”  Instructor

2023/07 Second prize in “The Fourth National College Students Chemistry Experiment Innovation Competition "Pfizer Cup" (North China)”  First instructor

2023/11 First Prize of “The 18th "Challenge Cup" Extra-curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition of Shandong Agricultural University”  Instructor

Published Articles

A stable dual-functional system of visible-light-driven Ni(II) reduction to a nickel nanoparticle catalyst and robust in situ hydrogen production. Chuan-Jun Wang, Shuang Cao, Wen-fu Fu. Chem Commun, 2013, 49, 11251-11253. (front cover)

Photoreduction of Iron(III) to Iron(0) Nanoparticles for Simultaneous Hydrogen Evolution in Aqueous Solution. Chuan-Jun Wang, Shuang Cao, Biao Qin, Chen Zhang, Ting-Ting Li, Wen-Fu Fu. ChemSusChem, 2014, 7, 1924-1933.

New platinum and ruthenium Schiff base complexes for water splitting reactions. Chuan-Jun Wang, Yong Chen and Wen-Fu Fu. Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 14483-14493.

Photodriven formation of FeNi bimetallic nano-mixture accompanied with efficient hydrogen evolution under atmospheric oxygen. Chuan-Jun Wang, Yong Chen, Xiao-Jun Lv, Wen-Fu Fu. Appl. Catal. B: Environ.2016, 182, 59-67.

Ternary Ni-Co-P nanoparticles as noble-metal-free catalysts to boost the hydrolytic dehydrogenation of ammonia-borane. Chun-Chao Hou+Qiang Li+, Chuan-Jun Wang, Cheng-Yun Peng, Qian-Qian Chen, Hui-Fang Ye, Wen-Fu Fu, Chi-Ming Che, Núria López, Yong Chen. Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 1770-1776.

Xiao Yang, Qian-Qian Chen, Chuan-Jun Wang*, Chun-Chao Hou, Yong Chen*. Substrate participation ultrafast synthesis of amorphous NiFe nanosheets on iron foam at room temperature toward highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction. Journal of Energy Chemistry. 2019, 35197-203.

Visible light driven photo-reduction of Cu2+ to Cu2O to Cu in water for photocatalytic hydrogen production. Shuang Cao ‡, Chuan-Jun Wang‡*, Guo-Qiang Wang, Yong Chen, Xiao-Jun Lv, Wen-Fu Fu*. RSC Adv., 2020,10, 5930-5937.

Xiao Yang, Lei kang, Chuanjun Wang*, Fulai Liu, Yong Chen*. Electrochemical ammonia synthesis from nitrite assist ed by in situ generated hydrogen atoms on a nickel phosphide catalyst, Chemical Communications, 2021., 57: 7176-7179.

Guoqiang Wang, Chuanjun Wang*Hao Zhang, Youle Liu and Jing Xu*. RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 29920–29924.

Hao Zhang, Guoqiang Wang, Chuanjun Wang* , Youle Liu, Yang Yang, Changxu Wang, Wenmiao Jiang, Liming Fu, Jing Xu*. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2022, 910, 116171.

Contact Information

       p: 178-6671-1196

Room 1109, Liberal Arts Building

No. 61 Daizong Street, Tai’an, Shandong, China